Ang Liu is an assistant teaching professor of energy and mineral engineering at Penn State University. His interests include rock mechanics and fluid dynamics with their applications on unconventional gas exploitation, carbon sequestration/hydrogen and energy storage in geological formations and mine ground/gas control. He has extensive experiences on experimental rock mechanics and fluid flow characterization (high-pressure-temperature GCTS system, micro-CT, FESEM-EDS, STEM, XRD, XPS, SANS/USANS, and nanoindentation), and numerical simulation using various software packages (COMSOL Multiphysics & Livelink for Matlab; Fekete FAST CBM; Flac3D; Rocscience; ICAMPS).
- Liu, A., Liu, S.*, Liu, Y., Liu, B., and Liu, T., 2022. Characterizing mechanical heterogeneity of coal at nano-to-micro scale using combined nanoindentation and FESEM-EDS, International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 261, paper 104081.
- Liu, A., and Liu, S.*, 2022. Mechanical property alterations across coal matrix due to water-CO2 treatments: A micro-to-nano scale experimental study, Energy, 248, paper 123575.
- Liu, A., and Liu, S.*, 2021. A fully-coupled water-vapor flow and rock deformation damage model for shale and coal its application for mine stability evaluation, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 146, paper 104880.
- Liu, A., Liu, S.*, Liu, P., and Wang, K., 2021. Water sorption on coal: effects of oxygen containing function groups and pore structure, International Journal of Coal Science and Technology,
- Liu, A., Liu, S.*, Harpalani, S., and Liu, P., 2021. The role of sorption-induced coal matrix shrinkage on permeability and stress evolutions under replicated in situ condition for CBM reservoirs, Fuel, 294:120530.
- Liu, A., Liu, P.*, and Liu, S.*, 2020. Gas diffusion coefficient estimation of coal: a dimensionless numerical method and its experimental validation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 162, paper 120336.
- Liu, A., Liu, S.*, Wang, G., and Elsworth, D., 2020. Continuous compaction and permeability evolution in longwall gob materials, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, v. 53, pp:5489-5510.
- Liu, A., Liu, S.*, Hou, X., and Liu, P.*, 2020. Transient gas diffusivity evaluation and modeling for methane and helium in coal, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 159, paper 120091.
- Liu, A., Liu, S.*, Wang, G., and Sang, G., 2020. Modeling of coal matrix apparent strains for sorbing gases using a transversely isotropic approach, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, v. 53, pp: 4163-4181.
- Liu, A., Liu, S.*, Wang, G., and Elsworth, D., 2020. Predicting fugitive gas emissions from gob-to-face in longwall coal mines: coupled analytical and numerical modeling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 150, paper 119392.
- Liu, A., Wang, K.*, Zang, J., Du, F., Zhou, A., 2018. Relative permeability of gas for unconventional reservoirs. Transport in Porous Media, v. 124, pp: 289-307.
- Best reviewer 2021 of International Journal of Coal Science & Technology.
- ORNL Neutron Sciences Beam Time Award in the 2021-B cycle at the HFIR, 2021.
- The Reg Hardy Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Mining and Rock Mechanics Contribution, Penn State University, 2021.
- EESL Green Seed Grant Award for proposal titled as “Investigating strain localization changes induced by shale-water interaction using combined nanoindentation and digital volume correlation of X-ray nanoscale-tomography”, the Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories (EESL) Award, Penn State University, 2021.
- Frank J. Vastola and Ruth J. St. Clair Vastola Graduate Scholarship, Penn State University, 2021.
- Invited as Youth Editor, International Journal of Coal Science and Technology, Springer, 2021-present.
- Nico van Wingen Memorial Graduate Fellowship, SPE Foundation, 2021 (Only one award is given from all nominees in the amount of USD 5,000 each per year, for up to four years).